Schooling is Free

Reframing digital education

Your digital world is just an extension of you.

If all you’re seeking from the world is fun and entertainment, that’s all you’ll find. The algorithms will only give you what you want.

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If you consider yourself an entrepreneur or a creative, you’ll be more attracted to content like mine, Dan Koe’s, The Crypto Pragmatist, etc.

This is the first frame that you need to adopt. The Internet is not somewhere you go to waste time, it is the most powerful vessel for learning and self-actualization.

Now, let’s talk about the school system.

Schooling Should Be Deflationary

Think about it. How on earth have we now got Youtube, online courses (not just from creators but literally from institutions like Harvard), Skillshare, etc. and somehow tuition fees and schooling costs are UP?

Of course, you have to factor in inflation but even so, the leverage that Youtube in and of itself provides should have massively driven down education costs at this point.

The truth is - they have. Just not in the way we’d expect.

The Internet has democratized education to the point that you can learn anything online for free.

The catch? You don't get a degree with it, you just get the skill.

Now it's upto you to demonstrate results with it.

Results - that's the currency of the entrepreneurial world. Nobody cares if you got a computer science degree from Stanford while they use your app. Your app just has to be good.

Nobody cares that you're 20 years old earning 6 figures advising other people on how to do the same. Your age is irrelevant, that achievement is not.

So exactly how do you go about this process? How do you practically change your relationship with social media from a circus to a school?

Become a creator

You're a creator whether you think so or not.

The only difference is, you give relationship advice over text to your friends instead of Tweeting about it.

You record snippets of your cool life for your Instagram instead of posting it on YouTube.

You give your colleague career advice instead of giving hundreds of people that same advice on LinkedIn.

Most people feel terrible when they use social media because they only consume and don't create.

You don't feel terrible about seeing a joke on social media if you later use that joke with your friends.

You feel terrible if you just scroll memes and never do anything with it. It's a waste.

You don't feel terrible learning how to fix a specific bug in your code.

You feel terrible going through dozens of tutorials only to never make a project of your own.

In my last letter, I talked about how building an audience is THE highest leverage income generating activity you can do in the world today.

This is exactly how you do it.

Whatever you do, document it online. Even if it's just sharing to people what you do at your 9-5 job.

People think that to have "expertise" or "authority" or "domain knowledge" in a subject, they have to read a million books and create a million successful projects.

You don't need any of that, all you need is to document yourself on the Internet.

If the subject you happen to be talking about, you aren't an expert in, then frame it in a way that you make it clear to people that you are documenting your journey to being good at this.

That authenticity and stacking of skills will build your authority.

That's all a personal brand is.

Congratulations. You now have the most powerful vehicle of leverage in the world.

You can now monetize this anyway you want.

Have a big Instagram page? You get paid for every post and story.

Big newsletter? Sell products or monetize via ads.

YouTube, X, LinkedIn? Same stuff.

Don't even get me started on how much streamers earn.

That's all for today.

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