Followers are Money

Chances are, if you're reading this, you think of social media as just a place you go to waste time.

You think of follower counts as vanity and have never thought about your digital impact.

“Elon Musk is trying to turn us into literal cyborgs by implanting chips in our brains!” Let me ask you though, aren't we already cyborgs?

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We spend all our time looking at screens. Whether that's scrolling on your phone, working on your laptop or relaxing by watching Netflix on your TV.

We always have earbuds on and talk to more people online than we do in real life. You might even know more about your favourite Youtuber, streamer or influencer’s life than your parents.

Putting the sentiment attached to that statement to the side, what you need to understand is that the digital world is just as, if not more important than the physical world at this point.

If you're getting all your entertainment from the digital world, why wouldn't you want to get your income from there as well?

I said this in a previous letter and I'm saying it again. Go online and learn how much you can earn with 10,000 LinkedIn or X followers.

How much you could earn with 50,000 Instagram followers (I recommend the former though, knowledge lasts longer than looks).

This is the greatest income generation opportunity today.

Forget stocks, real estate or crypto. Building an audience is the highest leverage income generating thing you can do in the world today.

Read that statement again. Print it out and paste it on your wall.

Shorter one today, will be talking more about the deflationary costs of education in the digital world in-depth tomorrow!

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