don't learn how to code

how to build using AI

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This week’s issue is about how YOU can start to build a project of your choice regardless of your coding/programming experience. Before we get into it, check out today’s sponsor 1440 Media for unbiased news reporting!

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I've been thinking a lot lately about the journey of building things and how it's changed, especially with the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT.

Recently, I made a video about starting to build something (preferably in public) and learning along the way, instead of spending months learning theory before taking the first step. I want to dive deeper into that idea today, specifically for those who might feel intimidated by projects that require coding. If you don't know how to code, keep reading—this issue is for you.

I’ll be honest with you, I know how to code a bit, but I’m no expert. I’ve never worked as a programmer and have only completed a few online courses. There isn't a big difference between me and someone who has no idea how to code.

Yet, over the past few weeks, I've managed to create my first two algorithmic trading models, put them through rigorous robustness checks, and am now about to finish a dashboard to view these strategies trading in real time.

If none of that made sense to you, that’s fine. The point is, I shouldn’t be able to do any of this without being an experienced programmer. So how was any of this doable? You might have guessed it—ChatGPT.

No, this issue isn't sponsored by OpenAI (it's actually sponsored by 1440 Media, as you saw above), but truly, can anyone think of a more no-brainer, high-return product for its $20 price point than OpenAI's GPT-4? I can’t. If your work involves code or media (and it should, since these are the highest leverage skills today), buy that subscription without hesitation. You will get more use out of it than you could possibly imagine.

Back to building trading models: I had a rough idea of what my first model would look like, where to find the necessary data, and how to build my dashboard. That’s it. Those rough ideas gained clarity as I proceeded to build. And to help in the building itself? That’s where ChatGPT came in.

During my time building my trading models and dashboard, it was a continuous process of going back and forth with ChatGPT for debugging, brainstorming improvements, and cutting down execution time. Is it perfect? No. Does it make mistakes? Yes. But using it freely for all your coding needs will still put you ahead of 99% of people who haven’t figured out how to leverage AI in their work.

The practicalities of this are incredibly useful in daily life as you build projects that can bring you freedom. But the implications? That’s what I find fascinating.

What does a world where nobody needs to learn programming to build something cool look like? This question was hotly debated when LLMs like ChatGPT first appeared, but having successfully used it to build something I always wanted, it's been on my mind a lot recently.

I’ve been talking about the age of abundance we are about to enter as a civilization due to AI acceleration for a while now. It’s not just me; the most knowledgeable people on this topic are saying the same thing.

AI will usher in an age of abundance where any goods or services that you want, you can just have

Elon Musk

In my little group chat with my tech CEO friends, there's this betting pool for the first year that there is a one-person billion-dollar company, which would have been unimaginable without AI and now will happen

Sam Altman

As we step into this age of abundance, what are we, as normal people, supposed to do? I believe it will be our duty and responsibility to use the vast set of tools and services available (and already here) to build whatever we want, regardless of our skillset at the start.

Do you want to build an indie game about managing a mechanic shop (inspired by my latest favorite sitcom, "Tires")? Go ahead. Literally. Go to ChatGPT, instruct it exactly what you want to build, and let it give you the set of instructions and even your first code draft to get you started. From there, it’s just a game of iterating, debugging, and learning anything you need from YouTube.

That’s it. That’s the entire playbook to create your own projects, which is the only way to gain your freedom, make them work, monetize them, and then do whatever you want in this new age of abundance.

The big problem we face is that people have ideas for companies, projects, or side hustles all the time but let the gap in their skillset stop them from starting. This was a significant barrier for me too, until I realized the potential of tools like ChatGPT.

The big benefit of overcoming this problem is immense. You get to build your dream project, regardless of your ability to code, monetize it, and live a life of freedom. Imagine the satisfaction of creating something that you always wanted, without the frustration of having to learn everything from scratch.

Many people talk themselves out of solving this problem by thinking they need to learn how to code first or that they’d need to hire people, raise funding, and expend a lot of energy to make their project a reality. While these concerns are valid, they are not insurmountable with the help of AI.

My personal experience is a testament to this.

Here’s a repeat of the framework to help you get started on your own projects:

  1. Have a Rough Idea: You don't need a detailed plan. Just a rough idea of what you want to build and how it might look.

  2. Use AI Tools: Leverage tools like ChatGPT to assist with coding, debugging, and brainstorming improvements.

  3. Iterate and Debug: Building something worthwhile involves trial and error. Don't be afraid to iterate and learn from your mistakes.

  4. Learn Along the Way: Use resources like YouTube, forums, and online courses to fill any gaps in your knowledge as you build.

  5. Embrace the Process: Enjoy the journey of creating. The skills and insights you gain will be invaluable, even if the initial project doesn’t turn out perfect.

Go ahead and start building. The world is waiting to see what you create.