A Digital Career Path For Curious People

How to become a Synthesizer

Curiosity Is Your Compass In The Unknown

The way to do great work is to explore your curiosity. Because every person who’s done great work in history has been the one creating footsteps, not following someone else’s.

– Matthew Ao

Matthew was authentic enough to mention that this insight came from Paul Graham’s article on How To Do Great Work.

It’s obvious that if you want unknown results you must take an unknown path, but people are too quick to adopt the comfort of someone else’s dreams at the expense of their own.

Curiosity is your compass in the unknown.

Curiosity is the path of the synthesizer.

Curiosity is how the world was discovered and built.

Society created known (and heavily outdated) paths like going to school, getting a job, and retiring at 65.

The mind craves order, and people mistakenly latch onto the order that society has created for them.

The mind craves order because it is asking you to do the things that create order from disorder. That is to collect insight from curiosity and create with it – that is your human edge. Other beings don’t change the direction of evolution like we do.

Too much order, certainty, and living in the known becomes dangerous for your psyche with time. Eventually, it craves disorder. If you were on “vacation” for too long, it ceases to be vacation, you want to go back home and work.

It is the push pull of the Universe.

Everything unfolds in chapters and phases like a narrative. Your life, your ideas, your self, your city, your community, your business, society, culture, all the way up to the Universe. Trying to stay in one chapter for your entire life is a recipe for emotional turmoil. Life goes on while your mind tries to freeze time.

Schools and jobs have their merit, but following that known path for too long leads you to an enescapable downward spiral of mediocrity called entropy.

Those who pursue curiosity are collecting creative firepower to constantly create an evolving order in their lives.

Entropy states that everything tends toward disorder. That’s what evolution is. The order we latch onto is not permanent, like a job, and falls apart with time. Most people accept this and live out their lives in a sad state rather than pushing toward personal evolution through entrepreneurship.

In order to survive as an entrepreneur, you must continue to persist, iterate, and evolve.

Charles Darwin, Elon Musk, Einstein, and other greats pursued their curiosity.

They were synthesizers of experience toward a vision for the future.

They reached breakthroughs not by following a regimented curriculum, but by synthesizing what they discovered on the path of curiosity.

Their curiosity led them to multidisciplinary study.

Nobody believed in them because they saw something that others didn’t.

They were mocked by those of low consciousness and known paths – because they didn’t have, nor could they replicate the information that came from curiosity.

I’ve noticed this in my own life.

My business results skyrocketed when I stopped studying business (but had a solid grasp on the principles after following others paths).

Then, I studied philosophy, metaphysics, and psychology.

I was able to note the same principles in those domains, but from a higher perspective, and enhance my business results because of it.

The pattern recognition brought meaning to my life, provided a source of motivation, and gave me a deeper understanding of all domains (because they are all encapsulated under the life domain)

Hamza asked me the other day on a call what led to my growth, and the only thing I can think of (that isn’t boring advice you can get everywhere else) is that I explained the perspective that came from pursuing my curiosity. I didn’t just regurgitate what I’ve been told, I repackaged it for better understanding. I wrote it in my own words.

Most people can’t know, and never will know, the information that shapes the perspective I’ve gained from pursuing my curiosity. This is why you are the niche. You are a synthesizer of your experience to help others understand.

You must have absolute conviction in your ideas and discoveries.

You have to be right when everyone is wrong.

You have to ignore the opinions that stem from a lack of understanding.

They can’t see what you see if you take a rare path in a known domain.

Few people realize that you can create a path that works by noting the patterns between other’s paths and your own.

Because of this, I can’t give a low-level tactical program to bring you certainty.

I can, however, give you a big-picture guide:

  • Zoom out and consult with your ideal self

  • Become aware of your goals to generate vision and clarity

  • Perceive situations through the lens of those goals to find signal in situations

  • Collect information, write about it, build with it, impact others with it

  • Creativity is using your experience to actualize a goal

If you want to master one domain, acquire general knowledge in the meta domains.

If you want to master business, acquire general knowledge in communications, value creation, metaphysics, human nature, psychology, and anything else that is the glue of value exchange.

But, you have to actually build the business to digest the knowledge you gain from this pursuit.

You can’t just study all day and expect to make progress.

The Synthesizer: A New Career Path For Polymaths & Self-Improvers

This career path assumes you are ambitious, strive to improve yourself, and enjoy multidisciplinary study.

It is for those who are tired of modern jobs and business models.

You see the masses with a lack of meaning in work and life.

You don’t see a way to break out of the default path.

You’re not fulfilled with where you’re headed but love to learn and self-educate.

What Is A Synthesizer

A synthesizer is someone who takes a unique path with curiosity as their compass, connects ideas to actualize a self-generated goal, and distribute their synthesis to help like-minded people achieve similar goals.

A synthesizer is an obsessive reality explorer. They understand that reality cannot be compartmentalized into school classes like biology, chemistry, philosophy, and literature. They understand that those aspects of reality have been well documented, and if we want to achieve better results, we must view reality as the connected whole it is. Synthesizers create holistic solutions to profitable problems.

A synthesizer is a value creator. This is a type of creator on social media that is focused on education and understanding, not memes and excessive entertainment.

A synthesizer is a DJ but with ideas.

A synthesizer is a decentralized media company.

When people would write and publish books, a select few would go on live TV to promote it.

Now, they just post on social media and go on a podcast tour.

Everyone can be their own media company to earn a living doing what they enjoy.

Authors can build an audience and write a successful book without a publisher.

Musicians can do the same and produce a track without a record label.

Creatives can do the same and sell a product without being an employee of a company.

The path of the synthesizer allows for the potential to do what you enjoy (and earn as much money as you want doing it). Since you don’t rely on someone “above you” to provide a salary or commission, your earning potential is dependent on your skill, audience size, and creative ability.

Hope you enjoyed this issue, in tomorrow’s letter, I’ll continue and elaborate on the evergreen skills needed to become a synthesizer. (move this email from promotions to primary if that’s where you’re reading it)